This guidance outlines the submission criteria and deadline for the 2025 American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Navy Regent Awards.
Background: The Lewis E. Angelo Professional Symposium (LEAPS) presents three Navy
Regent Awards during the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Congress on
Healthcare Leadership on Wednesday, March 26, 2025. The ACHE Navy Regent Award
categories are Senior Level Career Healthcare Executive (O-5 and above), Early Career
Healthcare Executive (O-4 and below), and Enlisted Healthcare Executive (E4 – E9). Each
award category honors individuals who have distinguished themselves in performance,
management, and leadership through innovation, excellence, and creativity that goes
above and beyond the call of duty to noticeably impact the command system, Budget
Submitting Offices (BSO), professional, or service levels.
Action: Nominations must be submitted using the embedded Healthcare Executive Awar
templates. All nominees require an endorsement from a supervisor within their chain of
Deliverable: Submit your nomination to the Awards POC LT Barter Micaela, and AM1 Michael Oyindamola, no later than Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
Navy Regent Enlisted Healthcare Executive Award: The nominee should be a member of
ACHE. At a minimum, the recognition period should encompass contributions from the past
Early Career Healthcare Executive Award: The nominee should be a member or Fellow of
ACHE. At a minimum, the recognition period should encompass contributions from the past
Senior-level Career Healthcare Executive Award: The nominee must be a Fellow of ACHE
and fulfill an appropriate executive-level position. Contributions to the development of other
healthcare professionals, participation in civic/community activities, civilian healthcare
professional association membership, and college activities should be noted. At a
minimum, the recognition period should encompass three years of continuous contributions.